All* builtin TypeScript keywords are directly available.
* any
and void
are misleading and unnecessary for runtime validation and
so are not included as keywords by default.
Subtype keywords refine or transform their root type.
You can easily explore available subtypes via autocomplete by with a partial definition like "string."
All Keywords
This table includes all keywords available in default type
API. To define your own string-embeddable keywords, see scopes.
Alias | Description |
string | a string |
string.alpha | only letters |
string.alphanumeric | only letters and digits 0-9 |
string.base64 | base64-encoded |
string.base64.url | base64url-encoded |
string.capitalize | a morph from a string to capitalized |
string.capitalize.preformatted | capitalized |
string.creditCard | a credit card number and a credit card number | | a string and a parsable date | | an integer string representing a safe Unix timestamp | | a morph from an integer string representing a safe Unix timestamp to a Date | | an ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ) date | | a morph from an ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ) date to a Date | | a morph from a string and a parsable date to a Date |
string.digits | only digits 0-9 | | an email address |
string.hex | hex characters only |
string.integer | a well-formed integer string |
string.integer.parse | a morph from a well-formed integer string to an integer |
string.ip | an IP address |
string.ip.v4 | an IPv4 address |
string.ip.v6 | an IPv6 address |
string.json | a JSON string |
string.json.parse | safe JSON string parser |
string.lower | a morph from a string to only lowercase letters |
string.lower.preformatted | only lowercase letters |
string.normalize | a morph from a string to NFC-normalized unicode |
string.normalize.NFC | a morph from a string to NFC-normalized unicode |
string.normalize.NFC.preformatted | NFC-normalized unicode |
string.normalize.NFD | a morph from a string to NFD-normalized unicode |
string.normalize.NFD.preformatted | NFD-normalized unicode |
string.normalize.NFKC | a morph from a string to NFKC-normalized unicode |
string.normalize.NFKC.preformatted | NFKC-normalized unicode |
string.normalize.NFKD | a morph from a string to NFKD-normalized unicode |
string.normalize.NFKD.preformatted | NFKD-normalized unicode |
string.numeric | a well-formed numeric string |
string.numeric.parse | a morph from a well-formed numeric string to a number |
string.semver | a semantic version (see |
string.trim | a morph from a string to trimmed |
string.trim.preformatted | trimmed |
string.upper | a morph from a string to only uppercase letters |
string.upper.preformatted | only uppercase letters |
string.url | a string and a URL string |
string.url.parse | a morph from a string and a URL string to a URL instance |
string.uuid | a UUID |
string.uuid.v1 | a UUIDv1 |
string.uuid.v2 | a UUIDv2 |
string.uuid.v3 | a UUIDv3 |
string.uuid.v4 | a UUIDv4 |
string.uuid.v5 | a UUIDv5 |
string.uuid.v6 | a UUIDv6 |
string.uuid.v7 | a UUIDv7 |
string.uuid.v8 | a UUIDv8 |
Alias | Description |
number | a number |
number.Infinity | Infinity |
number.NaN | NaN |
number.NegativeInfinity | -Infinity |
number.epoch | an integer representing a safe Unix timestamp |
number.integer | an integer | | at least -9007199254740991 and at most 9007199254740991 |
Alias | Description |
Key | a string or a symbol |
bigint | a bigint |
boolean | boolean |
false | false |
never | never |
null | null |
symbol | a symbol |
true | true |
undefined | undefined |
unknown | unknown |
unknown.any | unknown |
Alias | Description |
object | an object |
object.json | { [string]: $jsonObject, a number, a string, false, null or true } |
object.json.stringify | a morph from { [string]: $jsonObject, a number, a string, false, null or true } to a string |
Alias | Description |
Array | an array |
Array.index | matched by ^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$ |
Array.liftFrom | a generic type for Function |
Array.readonly | an array |
ArrayBuffer | an ArrayBuffer instance |
Alias | Description |
FormData | a FormData instance |
FormData.parse | a morph from a FormData instance to an object representing parsed form data |
FormData.parsed | an object representing parsed form data |
FormData.value | a string or a File instance |
Alias | Description |
TypedArray.BigInt64 | a BigInt64Array |
TypedArray.BigUint64 | a BigUint64Array |
TypedArray.Float32 | a Float32Array |
TypedArray.Float64 | a Float64Array |
TypedArray.Int16 | an Int16Array |
TypedArray.Int32 | an Int32Array |
TypedArray.Int8 | an Int8Array |
TypedArray.Uint16 | a Uint16Array |
TypedArray.Uint32 | a Uint32Array |
TypedArray.Uint8 | a Uint8Array |
TypedArray.Uint8Clamped | a Uint8ClampedArray |
Alias | Description |
Blob | a Blob instance |
Date | a Date |
Error | an Error |
File | a File instance |
Function | a function |
Headers | a Headers instance |
Map | a Map |
Promise | a Promise |
RegExp | a RegExp |
Request | a Request instance |
Response | a Response instance |
Set | a Set |
URL | a URL instance |
WeakMap | a WeakMap |
WeakSet | a WeakSet |
Alias | Description |
Exclude | a generic type for Function |
Extract | a generic type for Function |
Merge | a generic type for Function |
Omit | a generic type for Function |
Partial | a generic type for Function |
Pick | a generic type for Function |
Record | a generic type that instantiates an object from a single index signature and corresponding value type |
Required | a generic type for Function |