Announcing ArkType 2.0
100x faster validation with DX that will blow your mind
As of today, arktype@2.0.0
is generally available and fully stable.
ArkType 2.0 brings types to runtime JS in a way that, until today, has been a pipedream.
Whether you're a first-time TypeScript dev trying to validate a form or a library author introspecting relationships, ArkType offers fundamentally better tools for navigating the perils of JavaScript.
Type-level feedback with each keystroke- no plugins or build steps required.
Unparalleled DX
Type syntax you already know with safety and completions unlike anything you've ever seen
Faster... everything
100x faster than Zod at runtime with editor performance that will remind you how autocomplete is supposed to feel
Object Validation, Node v23.6.1
(source)Clarity and Concision
Definitions are half as long, type errors are twice as readable, and hovers tell you just what really matters
Better Errors
Deeply customizable messages with great defaults
Deep Introspectability
ArkType uses set theory to understand and expose the relationships between your types at runtime the way TypeScript does at compile time
Intrinsic Optimization
Every schema is internally normalized and reduced to its purest and fastest representation
What next?
ArkType doesn't require a special environment or build step to work- our intro will have you up and running in seconds.
We have big plans to ArkType 2.0 even further, but we're even more excited to see what you do with it!
⭐ Check out the project on GitHub
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Follow any of these accounts for updates:
-, on BlueSky
- @arktypeio, @ssalbdivad on X/Twitter
Consider supporting my full-time work on ArkType...
- via GitHub Sponsors
- by convincing your team to let me optimize your types and fix editor lag (reach out directly to one of the accounts listed or