📈 Announcing ArkType 2.1 📈
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Optimized runtime validation for TypeScript syntax

Type-level feedback with each keystroke- no plugins or build steps required.

What awaits

Unparalleled DX

Type syntax you already know with safety and completions unlike anything you've ever seen
const  = type({
	name: "string",
	platform: "'android' | 'ios'",
	"version?": "number | s
  • number | string
  • number | symbol

Better Errors

Deeply customizable messages with great defaults
const  = user({
	name: "Alan Turing",
	platform: "enigma",
	versions: [0, "1", 0n]

if ( instanceof type.errors) {
	// hover summary to see validation errors

Clarity and Concision

Definitions are half as long, type errors are twice as readable, and hovers tell you just what really matters
// hover me
const  = type({
	name: "string",
	platform: "'android' | 'ios'",
	"versions?": "number | string)[]"
TypeScript: Unmatched ) before [] 

Faster... everything

100x faster than Zod and 2,000x faster than Yup at runtime, with editor performance that will remind you how autocomplete is supposed to feel
Object Validation, Node v23.6.1
ArkType ⚡ 14 nanoseconds
   Zod 👍 1397 nanoseconds
   Yup 🐌 40755 nanoseconds*
*scaling generously logarithmized

Deep Introspectability

ArkType uses set theory to understand and expose the relationships between your types at runtime the way TypeScript does at compile time
.extends("object") // true
.extends("string") // false
// true (string is narrower than unknown)
	name: "unknown"
// false (string is wider than "Alan")
	name: "'Alan'"

Intrinsic Optimization

Every schema is internally normalized and reduced to its purest and fastest representation
// all unions are optimally discriminated
// even if multiple/nested paths are needed
const  = type({
	kind: "'admin'",
	"powers?": "string[]"
	kind: "'superadmin'",
	"superpowers?": "string[]"
	kind: "'pleb'"

Doc up

Everything you need to know from installation to integration