Objects definitions can include any combination of required, optional, defaultable named properties and index signatures.
const const symbolicKey: typeof symbolicKey
symbolicKey = Symbol()
const const myObject: Type<{
requiredKey: string;
[symbolicKey]: {
nested: unknown;
myObject = const type: TypeParser
readonly requiredKey: "string";
readonly [symbolicKey]: {
readonly nested: "unknown";
}, Type<{
requiredKey: string;
[symbolicKey]: {
nested: unknown;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly requiredKey: "string";
readonly [symbolicKey]: {
readonly nested: "unknown";
}, {}, bindThis<...>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
requiredKey: "string",
// Nested definitions don't require additional `type` calls!
[const symbolicKey: typeof symbolicKey
symbolicKey]: {
nested: "unknown"
const const symbolicKey: typeof symbolicKey
symbolicKey = Symbol()
const const myObject: Type<{
requiredKey: string;
[symbolicKey]: {
nested: unknown;
myObject = const type: TypeParser
readonly requiredKey: Type<string, {}>;
readonly [symbolicKey]: {
readonly nested: Type<unknown, {}>;
}, Type<{
requiredKey: string;
[symbolicKey]: {
nested: unknown;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<...>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
requiredKey: type.string,
// Nested definitions don't require additional `type` calls!
[const symbolicKey: typeof symbolicKey
symbolicKey]: {
nested: type.unknown
const const symbolicKey: typeof symbolicKey
symbolicKey = Symbol()
const const myObject: Type<{
[symbolicKey]: string.optional;
optionalKey?: number[];
myObject = const type: TypeParser
readonly "optionalKey?": "number[]";
readonly [symbolicKey]: "string?";
}, Type<{
[symbolicKey]: string.optional;
optionalKey?: number[];
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly "optionalKey?": "number[]";
readonly [symbolicKey]: "string?";
}, {}, bindThis<...>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
"optionalKey?": "number[]",
[const symbolicKey: typeof symbolicKey
symbolicKey]: "string?"
const const symbolicKey: typeof symbolicKey
symbolicKey = Symbol()
const const myObject: Type<{
optionalKey: of<number[], Optional>;
[symbolicKey]: string.optional;
myObject = const type: TypeParser
readonly optionalKey: Type<of<number[], Optional>, {}>;
readonly [symbolicKey]: Type<string.optional, {}>;
}, Type<{
optionalKey: of<number[], Optional>;
[symbolicKey]: string.optional;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<...>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
optionalKey: type.number.array().optional(),
[const symbolicKey: typeof symbolicKey
symbolicKey]: type.string.optional()
const const symbolicKey: typeof symbolicKey
symbolicKey = Symbol()
const const myObject: Type<{
optionalKey: of<{
type: "script";
}, Optional>;
[symbolicKey]: of<{
ark: "type";
}, Optional>;
myObject = const type: TypeParser
readonly optionalKey: readonly [{
readonly type: "'script'";
}, "?"];
readonly [symbolicKey]: readonly [{
readonly ark: "'type'";
}, "?"];
}, Type<{
optionalKey: of<{
type: "script";
}, Optional>;
[symbolicKey]: of<...>;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<...>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
optionalKey: [{ type: "'script'" }, "?"],
[const symbolicKey: typeof symbolicKey
symbolicKey]: [{ ark: "'type'" }, "?"]
const const symbolicKey: typeof symbolicKey
symbolicKey = Symbol()
const const myObject: Type<{
optionalKey: of<{
type: "script";
}, Optional>;
[symbolicKey]: of<{
ark: "type";
}, Optional>;
myObject = const type: TypeParser
readonly optionalKey: Type<of<{
type: "script";
}, Optional>, {}>;
readonly [symbolicKey]: Type<of<{
ark: "type";
}, Optional>, {}>;
}, Type<...>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<...>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
optionalKey: const type: TypeParser
readonly type: "'script'";
}, "?", readonly [], Type<of<{
type: "script";
}, Optional>, {}>>(_0: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly type: "'script'";
}, {}, bindThis<{
readonly type: "'script'";
}>>, _1: "?") => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
type({ type: "'script'" }, "?"),
[const symbolicKey: typeof symbolicKey
symbolicKey]: const type: TypeParser
readonly ark: "'type'";
}, "?", readonly [], Type<of<{
ark: "type";
}, Optional>, {}>>(_0: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly ark: "'type'";
}, {}, bindThis<{
readonly ark: "'type'";
}>>, _1: "?") => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
type({ ark: "'type'" }, "?")
const const myObject: Type<{
defaultableKey: of<boolean, Default<false>>;
myObject = const type: TypeParser
readonly defaultableKey: "boolean = false";
}, Type<{
defaultableKey: of<boolean, Default<false>>;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly defaultableKey: "boolean = false";
}, {}, bindThis<...>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
defaultableKey: "boolean = false"
const const myObject: Type<{
defaultableKey: of<boolean, Default<false>>;
myObject = const type: TypeParser
readonly defaultableKey: Type<of<boolean, Default<false>>, {}>;
}, Type<{
defaultableKey: of<boolean, Default<false>>;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly defaultableKey: Type<of<boolean, Default<false>>, {}>;
}, {}, bindThis<...>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
defaultableKey: type.boolean.default(false)
const const myObject: Type<{
defaultableKey: of<boolean, Default<false>>;
myObject = const type: TypeParser
readonly defaultableKey: readonly ["boolean", "=", false];
}, Type<{
defaultableKey: of<boolean, Default<false>>;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly defaultableKey: readonly ["boolean", "=", false];
}, {}, bindThis<...>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
defaultableKey: ["boolean", "=", false]
const const myObject: Type<{
defaultableKey: of<boolean, Default<false>>;
myObject = const type: TypeParser
readonly defaultableKey: Type<of<boolean, Default<false>>, {}>;
}, Type<{
defaultableKey: of<boolean, Default<false>>;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly defaultableKey: Type<of<boolean, Default<false>>, {}>;
}, {}, bindThis<...>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
defaultableKey: const type: TypeParser
<"boolean", "=", readonly [false], Type<of<boolean, Default<false>>, {}>>(_0: "boolean", _1: "=", _2_0: DefaultFor<boolean>) => Type<of<boolean, Default<false>>, {}> (+2 overloads)
type("boolean", "=", false)
const const myObject: Type<{
[x: string]: number | integer;
[x: symbol]: number;
myObject = const type: TypeParser
readonly "[string]": "number.integer";
readonly "[string | symbol]": "number";
}, Type<{
[x: string]: number | integer;
[x: symbol]: number;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly "[string]": "number.integer";
readonly "[string | symbol]": "number";
}, {}, bindThis<...>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
// index signatures do not require a label
"[string]": "number.integer",
// arbitrary string or symbolic expressions are allowed
"[string | symbol]": "number"
🚧 Coming soon ™️🚧
🚧 Coming soon ™️🚧
🚧 Coming soon ™️🚧
🚧 Coming soon ™️🚧
const const arrays: Type<{
key: string[];
arrays = const type: TypeParser
readonly key: "string[]";
}, Type<{
key: string[];
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly key: "string[]";
}, {}, bindThis<{
readonly key: "string[]";
}>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
key: "string[]"
const const arrays: Type<{
key: string[];
arrays = const type: TypeParser
readonly key: Type<string[], {}>;
}, Type<{
key: string[];
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly key: Type<string[], {}>;
}, {}, bindThis<{
readonly key: Type<string[], {}>;
}>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
key: type.string.array()
const const arrays: Type<{
key: {
name: string;
arrays = const type: TypeParser
readonly key: readonly [{
readonly name: "string";
}, "[]"];
}, Type<{
key: {
name: string;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly key: readonly [{
readonly name: "string";
}, "[]"];
}, {}, bindThis<{
readonly key: readonly [{
readonly name: "string";
}, "[]"];
}>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
key: [{ name: "string" }, "[]"]
const const arrays: Type<{
key: {
name: string;
arrays = const type: TypeParser
readonly key: Type<{
name: string;
}[], {}>;
}, Type<{
key: {
name: string;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly key: Type<{
name: string;
}[], {}>;
}, {}, bindThis<{
readonly key: Type<{
name: string;
}[], {}>;
}>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
key: const type: TypeParser
readonly name: "string";
}, "[]", readonly [], Type<{
name: string;
}[], {}>>(_0: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly name: "string";
}, {}, bindThis<{
readonly name: "string";
}>>, _1: "[]") => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
type({ name: "string" }, "[]")
Constrain an array with an inclusive or exclusive min or max length.
const const bounded: Type<{
nonEmptyStringArray: of<string[], MoreThanLength<0>>;
atLeast3Integers: of<integer[], AtLeastLength<3>>;
lessThan10Emails: of<string.email[], LessThanLength<10>>;
atMost5Booleans: of<boolean[], AtMostLength<5>>;
bounded = const type: TypeParser
readonly nonEmptyStringArray: "string[] > 0";
readonly atLeast3Integers: "number.integer[] >= 3";
readonly lessThan10Emails: "string.email[] < 10";
readonly atMost5Booleans: "boolean[] <= 5";
}, Type<...>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<...>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
nonEmptyStringArray: "string[] > 0",
atLeast3Integers: "number.integer[] >= 3",
lessThan10Emails: "string.email[] < 10",
atMost5Booleans: "boolean[] <= 5"
const const bounded: Type<{
nonEmptyStringArray: of<string[], MoreThanLength<0>>;
atLeast3Integers: of<integer[], AtLeastLength<3>>;
lessThan10Emails: of<string.email[], LessThanLength<10>>;
atMost5Booleans: of<boolean[], AtMostLength<5>>;
bounded = const type: TypeParser
readonly nonEmptyStringArray: Type<of<string[], MoreThanLength<0>>, {}>;
readonly atLeast3Integers: Type<of<integer[], AtLeastLength<3>>, Ark>;
readonly lessThan10Emails: Type<...>;
readonly atMost5Booleans: Type<...>;
}, Type<...>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<...>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
nonEmptyStringArray: type.string.array().moreThanLength(0),
atLeast3Integers: type.keywords.number.integer.array().atLeastLength(3),
lessThan10Emails: type.keywords.string.email.array().lessThanLength(10),
atMost5Booleans: type.boolean.array().atMostLength(5)
Range expressions allow you to specify both a min and max length and use the same syntax for exclusivity.
const const range: Type<{
nonEmptyStringArrayAtMostLength10: of<string[], AtMostLength<10> & MoreThanLength<0>>;
twoToFiveIntegers: of<integer[], LessThanLength<6> & AtLeastLength<2>>;
range = const type: TypeParser
readonly nonEmptyStringArrayAtMostLength10: "0 < string[] <= 10";
readonly twoToFiveIntegers: "2 <= number.integer[] < 6";
}, Type<{
nonEmptyStringArrayAtMostLength10: of<string[], AtMostLength<...> & MoreThanLength<...>>;
twoToFiveIntegers: of<...>;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<...>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
nonEmptyStringArrayAtMostLength10: "0 < string[] <= 10",
twoToFiveIntegers: "2 <= number.integer[] < 6"
const const range: Type<{
nonEmptyStringArrayAtMostLength10: of<string[], MoreThanLength<0> & AtMostLength<10>>;
twoToFiveIntegers: of<integer[], AtLeastLength<2> & LessThanLength<6>>;
range = const type: TypeParser
readonly nonEmptyStringArrayAtMostLength10: Type<of<string[], MoreThanLength<0> & AtMostLength<10>>, {}>;
readonly twoToFiveIntegers: Type<...>;
}, Type<...>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<...>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
nonEmptyStringArrayAtMostLength10: type.string
twoToFiveIntegers: type.keywords.number.integer
Like objects, tuples are structures whose values are nested definitions. Like TypeScript, ArkType supports prefix, optional, variadic, and postfix elements, with the same restrictions about combining them.
const const myTuple: Type<[string, {
coordinates: [number, number];
myTuple = const type: TypeParser
<readonly ["string", {
readonly coordinates: readonly ["number", "number"];
}], Type<[string, {
coordinates: [number, number];
}], {}>>(def: readonly ["string", validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly coordinates: readonly ["number", "number"];
}, {}, bindThis<...>>]) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
// Object definitions can be nested in tuples- and vice versa!
coordinates: ["number", "number"]
const const myTuple: Type<[string, {
coordinates: [number, number];
myTuple = const type: TypeParser
<readonly [Type<string, {}>, {
readonly coordinates: readonly [Type<number, {}>, Type<number, {}>];
}], Type<[string, {
coordinates: [number, number];
}], {}>>(def: readonly [Type<string, {}>, validateObjectLiteral<...>]) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
// Object definitions can be nested in tuples- and vice versa!
coordinates: [type.number, type.number]
Tuples can include any number of optional elements following its prefix elements.
Like in TypeScript, optional elements are mutually exclusive with postfix elements.
const const myTuple: Type<[string, boolean?, number?]>
myTuple = const type: TypeParser
<readonly ["string", "boolean?", "number?"], Type<[string, boolean?, number?], {}>>(def: readonly ["string", "boolean?", "number?"]) => Type<[string, boolean?, number?], {}> (+2 overloads)
type(["string", "boolean?", "number?"])
const const myTuple: Type<[string, boolean?, number?]>
myTuple = const type: TypeParser
<readonly [Type<string, {}>, Type<of<boolean, Optional>, {}>, Type<...>], Type<...>>(def: readonly [...]) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
const const myTuple: Type<[string, {
name: string;
myTuple = const type: TypeParser
<readonly ["string", readonly [{
readonly name: "string";
}, "?"]], Type<[string, {
name: string;
}?], {}>>(def: readonly ["string", readonly [{
readonly name: "string";
}, "?"]]) => Type<[string, {
name: string;
}?], {}> (+2 overloads)
name: "string"
const const myTuple: Type<[string, {
name: string;
myTuple = const type: TypeParser
<readonly ["string", Type<of<{
name: string;
}, Optional>, {}>], Type<[string, {
name: string;
}?], {}>>(def: readonly ["string", Type<of<{
name: string;
}, Optional>, {}>]) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
const type: TypeParser
readonly name: "string";
}, "?", readonly [], Type<of<{
name: string;
}, Optional>, {}>>(_0: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly name: "string";
}, {}, bindThis<{
readonly name: "string";
}>>, _1: "?") => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
name: "string"
Like in TypeScript, variadic elements allow zero or more consecutive values of a given type and may occur at most once in a tuple.
They are specified with a "..."
operator preceding an array element.
// allows a string followed by zero or more numbers
const const myTuple: Type<[string, ...number[]]>
myTuple = const type: TypeParser
<readonly ["string", "...", "number[]"], Type<[string, ...number[]], {}>>(def: readonly ["string", "...", "number[]"]) => Type<[string, ...number[]], {}> (+2 overloads)
type(["string", "...", "number[]"])
// allows a string followed by zero or more numbers
const const myTuple: Type<[string, ...number[]]>
myTuple = const type: TypeParser
<readonly [Type<string, {}>, "...", Type<number[], {}>], Type<[string, ...number[]], {}>>(def: readonly [Type<...>, "...", Type<...>]) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
type([type.string, "...", type.number.array()])
Postfix elements are required elements following a variadic element.
They are mutually exclusive with optional elements.
// allows zero or more numbers followed by a boolean, then a string
const const myTuple: Type<[...number[], boolean, string]>
myTuple = const type: TypeParser
<readonly ["...", "number[]", "boolean", "string"], Type<[...number[], boolean, string], {}>>(def: readonly ["...", "number[]", "boolean", "string"]) => Type<[...number[], boolean, string], {}> (+2 overloads)
type(["...", "number[]", "boolean", "string"])
// allows zero or more numbers followed by a boolean, then a string
const const myTuple: Type<[...number[], boolean, string]>
myTuple = const type: TypeParser
<readonly ["...", Type<number[], {}>, Type<boolean, {}>, Type<string, {}>], Type<[...number[], boolean, string], {}>>(def: readonly [...]) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
type(["...", type.number.array(), type.boolean, type.string])
Date literals represent a Date instance with an exact value.
They’re primarily useful in ranges.
const const literals: Type<{
singleQuoted: Date.nominal<"01-01-1970">;
doubleQuoted: Date.nominal<"01-01-1970">;
literals = const type: TypeParser
readonly singleQuoted: "d'01-01-1970'";
readonly doubleQuoted: "d\"01-01-1970\"";
}, Type<{
singleQuoted: Date.nominal<"01-01-1970">;
doubleQuoted: Date.nominal<"01-01-1970">;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<...>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
singleQuoted: "d'01-01-1970'",
doubleQuoted: 'd"01-01-1970"'
Constrain a Date with an inclusive or exclusive min or max.
Bounds can be expressed as either a number representing its corresponding Unix epoch value or a Date literal.
const const bounded: Type<{
dateInThePast: Date.before<number>;
dateAfter2000: Date.after<"2000-01-01">;
dateAtOrAfter1970: Date.atOrAfter<0>;
bounded = const type: TypeParser
readonly dateInThePast: `Date < ${number}`;
readonly dateAfter2000: "Date > d'2000-01-01'";
readonly dateAtOrAfter1970: "Date >= 0";
}, Type<{
dateInThePast: Date.before<number>;
dateAfter2000: Date.after<...>;
dateAtOrAfter1970: Date.atOrAfter<...>;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<...>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
dateInThePast: `Date < ${Date.now()}`,
dateAfter2000: "Date > d'2000-01-01'",
dateAtOrAfter1970: "Date >= 0"
const const bounded: Type<{
dateInThePast: Date.before<number>;
dateAfter2000: Date.after<"2000-01-01">;
dateAtOrAfter1970: Date.atOrAfter<0>;
bounded = const type: TypeParser
readonly dateInThePast: Type<Date.before<number>, {}>;
readonly dateAfter2000: Type<Date.after<"2000-01-01">, {}>;
readonly dateAtOrAfter1970: Type<Date.atOrAfter<0>, {}>;
}, Type<...>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<...>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
dateInThePast: type.Date.earlierThan(Date.now()),
dateAfter2000: type.Date.laterThan("2000-01-01"),
dateAtOrAfter1970: type.Date.atOrAfter(0)
Range expressions allow you to specify both a min and max and use the same syntax for exclusivity.
const const tenYearsAgo: number
tenYearsAgo = new Date()
.setFullYear(new Date().getFullYear() - 10)
const const bounded: Type<{
dateInTheLast10Years: Date.is<Before<number> & AtOrAfter<number>>;
bounded = const type: TypeParser
readonly dateInTheLast10Years: `${number} <= Date < ${number}`;
}, Type<{
dateInTheLast10Years: Date.is<Before<number> & AtOrAfter<number>>;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly dateInTheLast10Years: `${number} <= Date < ${number}`;
}, {}, bindThis<...>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
dateInTheLast10Years: `${const tenYearsAgo: number
tenYearsAgo} <= Date < ${Date.now()}`
const const tenYearsAgo: number
tenYearsAgo = new Date()
.setFullYear(new Date().getFullYear() - 10)
const const bounded: Type<{
dateInTheLast10Years: Date.is<AtOrAfter<number> & Before<number>>;
bounded = const type: TypeParser
readonly dateInTheLast10Years: Type<Date.is<AtOrAfter<number> & Before<number>>, {}>;
}, Type<{
dateInTheLast10Years: Date.is<AtOrAfter<number> & Before<...>>;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<...>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
dateInTheLast10Years: type.Date.atOrAfter(const tenYearsAgo: number
Most builtin instance types like Array
and Date
are available directly as keywords, but instanceof
can be useful for constraining a type to one of your own classes.
class MyClass {}
const const instances: Type<MyClass>
instances = type.instanceOf(MyClass)
class MyClass {}
const const instances: Type<{
key: MyClass;
instances = const type: TypeParser
readonly key: readonly ["instanceof", typeof MyClass];
}, Type<{
key: MyClass;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly key: readonly ["instanceof", typeof MyClass];
}, {}, bindThis<{
readonly key: readonly ["instanceof", typeof MyClass];
}>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
key: ["instanceof", MyClass]
class MyClass {}
const const instances: Type<{
key: MyClass;
instances = const type: TypeParser
readonly key: Type<MyClass, {}>;
}, Type<{
key: MyClass;
}, {}>>(def: validateObjectLiteral<{
readonly key: Type<MyClass, {}>;
}, {}, bindThis<{
readonly key: Type<MyClass, {}>;
}>>) => Type<...> (+2 overloads)
key: const type: TypeParser
<"instanceof", typeof MyClass, readonly [], Type<MyClass, {}>>(_0: "instanceof", _1: typeof MyClass) => Type<MyClass, {}> (+2 overloads)
type("instanceof", MyClass)
🚧 Coming soon ™️🚧